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域名简介 Domain Introduction

追课 追科 追氪

Business Plan Seeks Collaboration worldwide



  1. zhuī (阴平)

    • (zhuī) - 追赶,追求, लखेट्नु, खोज्नु, to chase, to pursue, to seek
    • (zhuī/chuí) - 脊椎,椎骨, ढाडको हड्डी, कशेरुका, vertebra, spine; 椎心泣血 (zhuī xīn qì xuè) - 形容悲痛到极点, अत्यन्त दु:खी हुनु, to weep tears of blood, extremely sorrowful
    • (zhuī) - 圆锥,锥子, शंकु, सियो, cone, awl, drill
    • (zhuī) - 骓色,青白杂色的马, नीलो र सेतो मिश्रित रङको घोडा, dapple-grey horse
    • (zhuī) - 短尾鸟的总称, छोटो पुच्छर भएको चराहरूको लागि सामान्य शब्द, general term for short-tailed birds
  2. zhuí (阳平)

    • (zhuī) - 同“骓”,骓色马, नीलो र सेतो मिश्रित रङको घोडा, same as "骓", dapple-grey horse
  3. zhuǐ (上声)

    • (chuāi/chuǎi/zhuǎi) - 揣摩,揣测, अनुमान लगाउनु, to guess, to speculate, to fathom (zhuǎi - 揣着,怀着, समात्नु, बोक्नु, to hold in the bosom, to carry)
  4. zhuì (去声)

    • (zhuì) - 坠落,坠毁, झर्नु, खस्नु, to fall, to drop, to crash
    • (zhuì) - 累赘,多余, अनावश्यक, अतिरिक्त, superfluous, redundant, cumbersome
    • (zhuì) - 缒城,用绳子从城墙上往下吊, डोरी प्रयोग गरेर पर्खालबाट तल झुण्ड्याउनु, to lower by rope from a city wall
    • (zhuì) - 惴惴不安,忧惧, डराउनु, चिन्तित हुनु, apprehensive, fearful, anxious
    • (zhuì) - 古同“坠”,同“坠”, प्राचीन "坠" जस्तै, same as "坠"


  1. kē (阴平)

    • (kē) - 科学,科目, विज्ञान, विषय, science, branch of study, subject
    • (kē) - 一棵树,量词 (用于植物), रूख, मात्रात्मक शब्द (बिरुवाहरूको लागि), measure word (for plants), tree
    • (kē) - 一颗星星,量词 (用于圆形或粒状物), तारा, मात्रात्मक शब्द (गोलाकार वस्तुहरूको लागि), measure word (for round or granular things), grain, bead, star
    • (kē) - 鸟窠,巢穴, गुँड, खोह, nest, den
    • (kē) - 珂雪,玉名, जेडको नाम, jade name
    • (kē) - 苛刻,苛求, कठोर, माग गर्ने, harsh, severe, exacting
    • (kē) - 磕头,碰撞, निहुरनु, ठोक्किनु, to knock, to bump, to kowtow
    • (kē) - 瞌睡,打盹, झपक्क निदाउनु, to doze, to nap
    • (kē) - 蝌蚪, भ्यागुताको बच्चा, tadpole
    • (kē) - 沉疴,久病, पुरानो रोग, chronic illness
  2. ké (阳平)

    • (ké/qiào) - 贝壳,外壳, खोल, बाहिरी खोल, shell, husk, carapace

    • (ké/hāi) - 咳嗽 (ké sou), खोकी लाग्नु, to cough

  3. kě (上声)

    • (kě/kè) - 可以,许可, सक्नुहुन्छ, अनुमति दिनु, can, may, able to, permissible
    • (kě) - 口渴, प्यास लाग्नु, thirsty, to be thirsty
    • (kě) - 坷垃,土块, माटोको ढिस्को, clod of earth
  4. kè (去声)

    • (kè) - 克服,克制, जित्नु, नियन्त्रण गर्नु, to overcome, to subdue, to restrain, gram
    • (kè) - 客人,顾客, पाहुना, ग्राहक, guest, customer, visitor
    • (kè) - 课程,课本, पाठ, पाठ्यपुस्तक, lesson, course, class, textbook
    • (kè) - 刻苦,立刻, मेहेनती, तुरुन्तै, assiduous, diligent, immediately, to carve, to engrave
    • (kè) - 恪守,恭敬, पालन गर्नु, आदर गर्नु, to respect, to abide by, respectful, reverent
    • (kè) - 客家 (Hakka),客家人, हाक्का (जातीय समूह), हाक्का मान्छे, Hakka (ethnic group), Hakka people
    • (kè) - 氪气 (化学元素), क्रिप्टन (रासायनिक तत्व), krypton (chemical element)
    • (kè) - 溘然长逝,突然去世, अचानक मर्नु, to die suddenly, to pass away suddenly
    • (kè) - 金锞子,小金锭, सानो सुनको बार, small gold ingot
    • (kè) - 船艐,船触礁, जहाज चट्टानमा ठोक्किनु, ship runs aground


  1. 追科 - 追求科学,pursue science (字面意思)
  2. 追棵 - 追求棵 (量词),pursue measure word for plants (字面意思)
  3. 追颗 - 追求颗 (量词),pursue measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  4. 追窠 - 追求鸟窠,pursue bird nest (字面意思)
  5. 追珂 - 追求珂 (玉名),pursue Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  6. 追苛 - 追求苛刻,pursue harshness (字面意思)
  7. 追磕 - 追求磕头,pursue kowtow (字面意思)
  8. 追瞌 - 追求瞌睡,pursue dozing (字面意思)
  9. 追蝌 - 追求蝌蚪,pursue tadpole (字面意思)
  10. 追疴 - 追求沉疴,pursue chronic illness (字面意思)
  11. 追壳 - 追求贝壳,pursue shell (字面意思)
  12. 追咳 - 追求咳嗽,pursue cough (字面意思)
  13. 追可 - 追求可以,pursue can/may (字面意思)
  14. 追渴 - 追求口渴,pursue thirst (字面意思)
  15. 追坷 - 追求坷垃,pursue clod of earth (字面意思)
  16. 追克 - 追求克服,pursue overcome (字面意思)
  17. 追客 - 追求客人,pursue guest (字面意思)
  18. 追课 - 追求课程,pursue course (字面意思)
  19. 追刻 - 追求刻苦,pursue diligence (字面意思)
  20. 追恪 - 追求恪守,pursue respect and abide by (字面意思)
  21. 追客 - 追求客家,pursue Hakka (字面意思)
  22. 追氪 - 追求氪气,pursue krypton (字面意思)
  23. 追溘 - 追求溘然长逝,pursue sudden death (字面意思)
  24. 追锞 - 追求金锞子,pursue gold ingot (字面意思)
  25. 追艐 - 追求船艐,pursue ship aground (字面意思)
  26. 椎科 - 椎骨科学,vertebra science (字面意思)
  27. 椎棵 - 椎骨棵 (量词),vertebra measure word for plants (字面意思)
  28. 椎颗 - 椎骨颗 (量词),vertebra measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  29. 椎窠 - 椎骨鸟窠,vertebra bird nest (字面意思)
  30. 椎珂 - 椎骨珂 (玉名),vertebra Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  31. 椎苛 - 椎骨苛刻,vertebra harshness (字面意思)
  32. 椎磕 - 椎骨磕头,vertebra kowtow (字面意思)
  33. 椎瞌 - 椎骨瞌睡,vertebra dozing (字面意思)
  34. 椎蝌 - 椎骨蝌蚪,vertebra tadpole (字面意思)
  35. 椎疴 - 椎骨沉疴,vertebra chronic illness (字面意思)
  36. 椎壳 - 椎骨贝壳,vertebra shell (字面意思)
  37. 椎咳 - 椎骨咳嗽,vertebra cough (字面意思)
  38. 椎可 - 椎骨可以,vertebra can/may (字面意思)
  39. 椎渴 - 椎骨口渴,vertebra thirst (字面意思)
  40. 椎坷 - 椎骨坷垃,vertebra clod of earth (字面意思)
  41. 椎克 - 椎骨克服,vertebra overcome (字面意思)
  42. 椎客 - 椎骨客人,vertebra guest (字面意思)
  43. 椎课 - 椎骨课程,vertebra course (字面意思)
  44. 椎刻 - 椎骨刻苦,vertebra diligence (字面意思)
  45. 椎恪 - 椎骨恪守,vertebra respect and abide by (字面意思)
  46. 椎客 - 椎骨客家,vertebra Hakka (字面意思)
  47. 椎氪 - 椎骨氪气,vertebra krypton (字面意思)
  48. 椎溘 - 椎骨溘然长逝,vertebra sudden death (字面意思)
  49. 椎锞 - 椎骨金锞子,vertebra gold ingot (字面意思)
  50. 椎艐 - 椎骨船艐,vertebra ship aground (字面意思)
  51. 锥科 - 圆锥科学,cone science (字面意思)
  52. 锥棵 - 圆锥棵 (量词),cone measure word for plants (字面意思)
  53. 锥颗 - 圆锥颗 (量词),cone measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  54. 锥窠 - 圆锥鸟窠,cone bird nest (字面意思)
  55. 锥珂 - 圆锥珂 (玉名),cone Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  56. 锥苛 - 圆锥苛刻,cone harshness (字面意思)
  57. 锥磕 - 圆锥磕头,cone kowtow (字面意思)
  58. 锥瞌 - 圆锥瞌睡,cone dozing (字面意思)
  59. 锥蝌 - 圆锥蝌蚪,cone tadpole (字面意思)
  60. 锥疴 - 圆锥沉疴,cone chronic illness (字面意思)
  61. 锥壳 - 圆锥贝壳,cone shell (字面意思)
  62. 锥咳 - 圆锥咳嗽,cone cough (字面意思)
  63. 锥可 - 圆锥可以,cone can/may (字面意思)
  64. 锥渴 - 圆锥口渴,cone thirst (字面意思)
  65. 锥坷 - 圆锥坷垃,cone clod of earth (字面意思)
  66. 锥克 - 圆锥克服,cone overcome (字面意思)
  67. 锥客 - 圆锥客人,cone guest (字面意思)
  68. 锥课 - 圆锥课程,cone course (字面意思)
  69. 锥刻 - 圆锥刻苦,cone diligence (字面意思)
  70. 锥恪 - 圆锥恪守,cone respect and abide by (字面意思)
  71. 锥客 - 圆锥客家,cone Hakka (字面意思)
  72. 锥氪 - 圆锥氪气,cone krypton (字面意思)
  73. 锥溘 - 圆锥溘然长逝,cone sudden death (字面意思)
  74. 锥锞 - 圆锥金锞子,cone gold ingot (字面意思)
  75. 锥艐 - 圆锥船艐,cone ship aground (字面意思)
  76. 骓科 - 骓色马科学,dapple-grey horse science (字面意思)
  77. 骓棵 - 骓色马棵 (量词),dapple-grey horse measure word for plants (字面意思)
  78. 骓颗 - 骓色马颗 (量词),dapple-grey horse measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  79. 骓窠 - 骓色马鸟窠,dapple-grey horse bird nest (字面意思)
  80. 骓珂 - 骓色马珂 (玉名),dapple-grey horse Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  81. 骓苛 - 骓色马苛刻,dapple-grey horse harshness (字面意思)
  82. 骓磕 - 骓色马磕头,dapple-grey horse kowtow (字面意思)
  83. 骓瞌 - 骓色马瞌睡,dapple-grey horse dozing (字面意思)
  84. 骓蝌 - 骓色马蝌蚪,dapple-grey horse tadpole (字面意思)
  85. 骓疴 - 骓色马沉疴,dapple-grey horse chronic illness (字面意思)
  86. 骓壳 - 骓色马贝壳,dapple-grey horse shell (字面意思)
  87. 骓咳 - 骓色马咳嗽,dapple-grey horse cough (字面意思)
  88. 骓可 - 骓色马可以,dapple-grey horse can/may (字面意思)
  89. 骓渴 - 骓色马口渴,dapple-grey horse thirst (字面意思)
  90. 骓坷 - 骓色马坷垃,dapple-grey horse clod of earth (字面意思)
  91. 骓克 - 骓色马克服,dapple-grey horse overcome (字面意思)
  92. 骓客 - 骓色马客人,dapple-grey horse guest (字面意思)
  93. 骓课 - 骓色马课程,dapple-grey horse course (字面意思)
  94. 骓刻 - 骓色马刻苦,dapple-grey horse diligence (字面意思)
  95. 骓恪 - 骓色马恪守,dapple-grey horse respect and abide by (字面意思)
  96. 骓客 - 骓色马客家,dapple-grey horse Hakka (字面意思)
  97. 骓氪 - 骓色马氪气,dapple-grey horse krypton (字面意思)
  98. 骓溘 - 骓色马溘然长逝,dapple-grey horse sudden death (字面意思)
  99. 骓锞 - 骓色马金锞子,dapple-grey horse gold ingot (字面意思)
  100. 骓艐 - 骓色马船艐,dapple-grey horse ship aground (字面意思)
  101. 隹科 - 隹鸟科学,short-tailed bird science (字面意思)
  102. 隹棵 - 隹鸟棵 (量词),short-tailed bird measure word for plants (字面意思)
  103. 隹颗 - 隹鸟颗 (量词),short-tailed bird measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  104. 隹窠 - 隹鸟鸟窠,short-tailed bird bird nest (字面意思) - 鸟巢
  105. 隹珂 - 隹鸟珂 (玉名),short-tailed bird Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  106. 隹苛 - 隹鸟苛刻,short-tailed bird harshness (字面意思)
  107. 隹磕 - 隹鸟磕头,short-tailed bird kowtow (字面意思)
  108. 隹瞌 - 隹鸟瞌睡,short-tailed bird dozing (字面意思)
  109. 隹蝌 - 隹鸟蝌蚪,short-tailed bird tadpole (字面意思)
  110. 隹疴 - 隹鸟沉疴,short-tailed bird chronic illness (字面意思)
  111. 隹壳 - 隹鸟贝壳,short-tailed bird shell (字面意思)
  112. 隹咳 - 隹鸟咳嗽,short-tailed bird cough (字面意思)
  113. 隹可 - 隹鸟可以,short-tailed bird can/may (字面意思)
  114. 隹渴 - 隹鸟口渴,short-tailed bird thirst (字面意思)
  115. 隹坷 - 隹鸟坷垃,short-tailed bird clod of earth (字面意思)
  116. 隹克 - 隹鸟克服,short-tailed bird overcome (字面意思)
  117. 隹客 - 隹鸟客人,short-tailed bird guest (字面意思)
  118. 隹课 - 隹鸟课程,short-tailed bird course (字面意思)
  119. 隹刻 - 隹鸟刻苦,short-tailed bird diligence (字面意思)
  120. 隹恪 - 隹鸟恪守,short-tailed bird respect and abide by (字面意思)
  121. 隹客 - 隹鸟客家,short-tailed bird Hakka (字面意思)
  122. 隹氪 - 隹鸟氪气,short-tailed bird krypton (字面意思)
  123. 隹溘 - 隹鸟溘然长逝,short-tailed bird sudden death (字面意思)
  124. 隹锞 - 隹鸟金锞子,short-tailed bird gold ingot (字面意思)
  125. 隹艐 - 隹鸟船艐,short-tailed bird ship aground (字面意思)
  126. 騅科 - 騅色马科学,同序号76
  127. 騅棵 - 騅色马棵 (量词),同序号77
  128. 騅颗 - 騅色马颗 (量词),同序号78
  129. 騅窠 - 騅色马鸟窠,同序号79
  130. 騅珂 - 騅色马珂 (玉名),同序号80
  131. 騅苛 - 騅色马苛刻,同序号81
  132. 騅磕 - 騅色马磕头,同序号82
  133. 騅瞌 - 騅色马瞌睡,同序号83
  134. 騅蝌 - 騅色马蝌蚪,同序号84
  135. 騅疴 - 騅色马沉疴,同序号85
  136. 騅壳 - 騅色马贝壳,同序号86
  137. 騅咳 - 騅色马咳嗽,同序号87
  138. 騅可 - 騅色马可以,同序号88
  139. 騅渴 - 騅色马口渴,同序号89
  140. 騅坷 - 騅色马坷垃,同序号90
  141. 騅克 - 騅色马克服,同序号91
  142. 騅客 - 騅色马客人,同序号92
  143. 騅课 - 騅色马课程,同序号93
  144. 騅刻 - 騅色马刻苦,同序号94
  145. 騅恪 - 騅色马恪守,同序号95
  146. 騅客 - 騅色马客家,同序号96
  147. 騅氪 - 騅色马氪气,同序号97
  148. 騅溘 - 騅色马溘然长逝,同序号98
  149. 騅锞 - 騅色马金锞子,同序号99
  150. 騅艐 - 騅色马船艐,同序号100
  151. 揣科 - 揣摩科学,fathom science (字面意思)
  152. 揣棵 - 揣摩棵 (量词),fathom measure word for plants (字面意思)
  153. 揣颗 - 揣摩颗 (量词),fathom measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  154. 揣窠 - 揣摩鸟窠,fathom bird nest (字面意思)
  155. 揣珂 - 揣摩珂 (玉名),fathom Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  156. 揣苛 - 揣摩苛刻,fathom harshness (字面意思)
  157. 揣磕 - 揣摩磕头,fathom kowtow (字面意思)
  158. 揣瞌 - 揣摩瞌睡,fathom dozing (字面意思)
  159. 揣蝌 - 揣摩蝌蚪,fathom tadpole (字面意思)
  160. 揣疴 - 揣摩沉疴,fathom chronic illness (字面意思)
  161. 揣壳 - 揣摩贝壳,fathom shell (字面意思)
  162. 揣咳 - 揣摩咳嗽,fathom cough (字面意思)
  163. 揣可 - 揣摩可以,fathom can/may (字面意思)
  164. 揣渴 - 揣摩口渴,fathom thirst (字面意思)
  165. 揣坷 - 揣摩坷垃,fathom clod of earth (字面意思)
  166. 揣克 - 揣摩克服,fathom overcome (字面意思)
  167. 揣客 - 揣摩客人,fathom guest (字面意思)
  168. 揣课 - 揣摩课程,fathom course (字面意思)
  169. 揣刻 - 揣摩刻苦,fathom diligence (字面意思)
  170. 揣恪 - 揣摩恪守,fathom respect and abide by (字面意思)
  171. 揣客 - 揣摩客家,fathom Hakka (字面意思)
  172. 揣氪 - 揣摩氪气,fathom krypton (字面意思)
  173. 揣溘 - 揣摩溘然长逝,fathom sudden death (字面意思)
  174. 揣锞 - 揣摩金锞子,fathom gold ingot (字面意思)
  175. 揣艐 - 揣摩船艐,fathom ship aground (字面意思)
  176. 坠科 - 坠落科学,fall science (字面意思)
  177. 坠棵 - 坠落棵 (量词),fall measure word for plants (字面意思)
  178. 坠颗 - 坠落颗 (量词),fall measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  179. 坠窠 - 坠落鸟窠,fall bird nest (字面意思)
  180. 坠珂 - 坠落珂 (玉名),fall Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  181. 坠苛 - 坠落苛刻,fall harshness (字面意思)
  182. 坠磕 - 坠落磕头,fall kowtow (字面意思)
  183. 坠瞌 - 坠落瞌睡,fall dozing (字面意思)
  184. 坠蝌 - 坠落蝌蚪,fall tadpole (字面意思)
  185. 坠疴 - 坠落沉疴,fall chronic illness (字面意思)
  186. 坠壳 - 坠落贝壳,fall shell (字面意思)
  187. 坠咳 - 坠落咳嗽,fall cough (字面意思)
  188. 坠可 - 坠落可以,fall can/may (字面意思)
  189. 坠渴 - 坠落口渴,fall thirst (字面意思)
  190. 坠坷 - 坠落坷垃,fall clod of earth (字面意思)
  191. 坠克 - 坠落克服,fall overcome (字面意思)
  192. 坠客 - 坠落客人,fall guest (字面意思)
  193. 坠课 - 坠落课程,fall course (字面意思)
  194. 坠刻 - 坠落刻苦,fall diligence (字面意思)
  195. 坠恪 - 坠落恪守,fall respect and abide by (字面意思)
  196. 坠客 - 坠落客家,fall Hakka (字面意思)
  197. 坠氪 - 坠落氪气,fall krypton (字面意思)
  198. 坠溘 - 坠落溘然长逝,fall sudden death (字面意思)
  199. 坠锞 - 坠落金锞子,fall gold ingot (字面意思)
  200. 坠艐 - 坠落船艐,fall ship aground (字面意思)
  201. 赘科 - 累赘科学,redundant science (字面意思)
  202. 赘棵 - 累赘棵 (量词),redundant measure word for plants (字面意思)
  203. 赘颗 - 累赘颗 (量词),redundant measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  204. 赘窠 - 累赘鸟窠,redundant bird nest (字面意思)
  205. 赘珂 - 累赘珂 (玉名),redundant Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  206. 赘苛 - 累赘苛刻,redundant harshness (字面意思)
  207. 赘磕 - 累赘磕头,redundant kowtow (字面意思)
  208. 赘瞌 - 累赘瞌睡,redundant dozing (字面意思)
  209. 赘蝌 - 累赘蝌蚪,redundant tadpole (字面意思)
  210. 赘疴 - 累赘沉疴,redundant chronic illness (字面意思)
  211. 赘壳 - 累赘贝壳,redundant shell (字面意思)
  212. 赘咳 - 累赘咳嗽,redundant cough (字面意思)
  213. 赘可 - 累赘可以,redundant can/may (字面意思)
  214. 赘渴 - 累赘口渴,redundant thirst (字面意思)
  215. 赘坷 - 累赘坷垃,redundant clod of earth (字面意思)
  216. 赘克 - 累赘克服,redundant overcome (字面意思)
  217. 赘客 - 累赘客人,redundant guest (字面意思)
  218. 赘课 - 累赘课程,redundant course (字面意思)
  219. 赘刻 - 累赘刻苦,redundant diligence (字面意思)
  220. 赘恪 - 累赘恪守,redundant respect and abide by (字面意思)
  221. 赘客 - 累赘客家,redundant Hakka (字面意思)
  222. 赘氪 - 累赘氪气,redundant krypton (字面意思)
  223. 赘溘 - 累赘溘然长逝,redundant sudden death (字面意思)
  224. 赘锞 - 累赘金锞子,redundant gold ingot (字面意思)
  225. 赘艐 - 累赘船艐,redundant ship aground (字面意思)
  226. 缒科 - 缒城科学,lower by rope city science (字面意思)
  227. 缒棵 - 缒城棵 (量词),lower by rope city measure word for plants (字面意思)
  228. 缒颗 - 缒城颗 (量词),lower by rope city measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  229. 缒窠 - 缒城鸟窠,lower by rope city bird nest (字面意思)
  230. 缒珂 - 缒城珂 (玉名),lower by rope city Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  231. 缒苛 - 缒城苛刻,lower by rope city harshness (字面意思)
  232. 缒磕 - 缒城磕头,lower by rope city kowtow (字面意思)
  233. 缒瞌 - 缒城瞌睡,lower by rope city dozing (字面意思)
  234. 缒蝌 - 缒城蝌蚪,lower by rope city tadpole (字面意思)
  235. 缒疴 - 缒城沉疴,lower by rope city chronic illness (字面意思)
  236. 缒壳 - 缒城贝壳,lower by rope city shell (字面意思)
  237. 缒咳 - 缒城咳嗽,lower by rope city cough (字面意思)
  238. 缒可 - 缒城可以,lower by rope city can/may (字面意思)
  239. 缒渴 - 缒城口渴,lower by rope city thirst (字面意思)
  240. 缒坷 - 缒城坷垃,lower by rope city clod of earth (字面意思)
  241. 缒克 - 缒城克服,lower by rope city overcome (字面意思)
  242. 缒客 - 缒城客人,lower by rope city guest (字面意思)
  243. 缒课 - 缒城课程,lower by rope city course (字面意思)
  244. 缒刻 - 缒城刻苦,lower by rope city diligence (字面意思)
  245. 缒恪 - 缒城恪守,lower by rope city respect and abide by (字面意思)
  246. 缒客 - 缒城客家,lower by rope city Hakka (字面意思)
  247. 缒氪 - 缒城氪气,lower by rope city krypton (字面意思)
  248. 缒溘 - 缒城溘然长逝,lower by rope city sudden death (字面意思)
  249. 缒锞 - 缒城金锞子,lower by rope city gold ingot (字面意思)
  250. 缒艐 - 缒城船艐,lower by rope city ship aground (字面意思)
  251. 惴科 - 惴惴不安科学,apprehensive science (字面意思)
  252. 惴棵 - 惴惴不安棵 (量词),apprehensive measure word for plants (字面意思)
  253. 惴颗 - 惴惴不安颗 (量词),apprehensive measure word for round objects (字面意思)
  254. 惴窠 - 惴惴不安鸟窠,apprehensive bird nest (字面意思)
  255. 惴珂 - 惴惴不安珂 (玉名),apprehensive Ke (jade name) (字面意思)
  256. 惴苛 - 惴惴不安苛刻,apprehensive harshness (字面意思)
  257. 惴磕 - 惴惴不安磕头,apprehensive kowtow (字面意思)
  258. 惴瞌 - 惴惴不安瞌睡,apprehensive dozing (字面意思)
  259. 惴蝌 - 惴惴不安蝌蚪,apprehensive tadpole (字面意思)
  260. 惴疴 - 惴惴不安沉疴,apprehensive chronic illness (字面意思)
  261. 惴壳 - 惴惴不安贝壳,apprehensive shell (字面意思)
  262. 惴咳 - 惴惴不安咳嗽,apprehensive cough (字面意思)
  263. 惴可 - 惴惴不安可以,apprehensive can/may (字面意思)
  264. 惴渴 - 惴惴不安口渴,apprehensive thirst (字面意思)
  265. 惴坷 - 惴惴不安坷垃,apprehensive clod of earth (字面意思)
  266. 惴克 - 惴惴不安克服,apprehensive overcome (字面意思)
  267. 惴客 - 惴惴不安客人,apprehensive guest (字面意思)
  268. 惴课 - 惴惴不安课程,apprehensive course (字面意思)
  269. 惴刻 - 惴惴不安刻苦,apprehensive diligence (字面意思)
  270. 惴恪 - 惴惴不安恪守,apprehensive respect and abide by (字面意思)
  271. 惴客 - 惴惴不安客家,apprehensive Hakka (字面意思)
  272. 惴氪 - 惴惴不安氪气,apprehensive krypton (字面意思)
  273. 惴溘 - 惴惴不安溘然长逝,apprehensive sudden death (字面意思)
  274. 惴锞 - 惴惴不安金锞子,apprehensive gold ingot (字面意思)
  275. 惴艐 - 惴惴不安船艐,apprehensive ship aground (字面意思)
  276. 笍科 - 笍同坠科,同序号176
  277. 笍棵 - 笍同坠棵,同序号177
  278. 笍颗 - 笍同坠颗,同序号178
  279. 笍窠 - 笍同坠窠,同序号179
  280. 笍珂 - 笍同坠珂,同序号180
  281. 笍苛 - 笍同坠苛,同序号181
  282. 笍磕 - 笍同坠磕,同序号182
  283. 笍瞌 - 笍同坠瞌,同序号183
  284. 笍蝌 - 笍同坠蝌,同序号184
  285. 笍疴 - 笍同坠疴,同序号185
  286. 笍壳 - 笍同坠壳,同序号186
  287. 笍咳 - 笍同坠咳,同序号187
  288. 笍可 - 笍同坠可,同序号188
  289. 笍渴 - 笍同坠渴,同序号189
  290. 笍坷 - 笍同坠坷,同序号190
  291. 笍克 - 笍同坠克,同序号191
  292. 笍客 - 笍同坠客,同序号192
  293. 笍课 - 笍同坠课,同序号193
  294. 笍刻 - 笍同坠刻,同序号194
  295. 笍恪 - 笍同坠恪,同序号195
  296. 笍客 - 笍同坠客,同序号196
  297. 笍氪 - 笍同坠氪,同序号197
  298. 笍溘 - 笍同坠溘,同序号198
  299. 笍锞 - 笍同坠锞,同序号199
  300. 笍艐 - 笍同坠艐,同序号200



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